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ICLLAB (173)
You view the brand“ICLLAB”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 173 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Bovine Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein ELISA Kit E-10AGP ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Bovine Haptoglobin ELISA Kit E-10HPT ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4728
Bovine IgA ELISA Kit E-10A ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Bovine IgG ELISA Kit E-10G ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Bovine IgG ELISA Kit - (min. reactivity with Hu,Ms,Rb,Rt) E-10GXSPP ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 5342
Bovine IgM ELISA Kit E-10M ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Bovine IL-6 ELISA Kit E-10LK6 ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 5649
Bovine ITIH4 ELISA Kit E-10H4 ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 7307
Bovine Transferrin ELISA Kit E-10TX ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4728
Canine/Dog Fibrinogen ELISA Kit E-40FIB ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4175
Canine/Dog SAA ELISA Kit E-40SAA ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Cat CRP ELISA Kit E-20CRP ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Cat Haptoglobin ELISA Kit E-20HPT ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Cat IgA ELISA Kit E-20A ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4851
Cat IgE ELISA Kit E-20E ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4851
Cat IgG ELISA Kit E-20G ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Cat SAA ELISA Kit E-20SAA ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4973
Chicken Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein ELISA Kit E-30AGP ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4728
Chicken IgA ELISA Kit E-30A ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4175
Chicken IgM ELISA Kit E-30M ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4175
Chicken IgY ELISA Kit E-30Y ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4175
Chicken Ovotransferrin (Conalbumin) ELISA Kit E-30TX ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 4728
Chicken SAA ELISA Kit E-30SAA ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 5342
Dog Albumin ELISA Kit E-40AL ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 3193
Dog Alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein ELISA Kit E-40AGP ICLLAB 1.0 plate RMB 5342
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