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U-CyTech (40)
You view the brand“U-CyTech”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 40 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Human G-CSF ELISA kit UH-CT390 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human GM-CSF ELISA kit UH-CT200 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human Granzyme B ELISA kit UH-CT211 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IFN-gamma ELISA kit UH-CT201 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-10 ELISA kit UH-CT206 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-12p70 ELISA kit UH-CT210 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-13 ELISA kit UH-CT208 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-17 ELISA kit UH-CT516 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-1beta ELISA kit UH-CT213 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-2 ELISA kit UH-CT202 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-23 ELISA kit(supernatant only) UH-CT517 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-4 ELISA kit UH-CT203 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-5 ELISA kit UH-CT204 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-6 ELISA kit UH-CT205 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human IL-8 ELISA kit UH-CT212 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human Perforin ELISA kit UH-CT391 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Human TNF-alpha ELISA kit UH-CT209 human U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Monkey GM-CSF ELISA kit UH-CT140 monkey U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Monkey IFN-gamma ELISA kit UH-CT141 monkey U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Monkey IL-10 ELISA kit UH-CT146 monkey U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Monkey IL-12/23p40 ELISA kit UH-CT149 monkey U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Monkey IL-13 ELISA kit UH-CT147 monkey U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Monkey IL-17 ELISA kit UH-CT501 monkey U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Monkey IL-1beta ELISA kit UH-CT139 monkey U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
Monkey IL-2 ELISA kit UH-CT142 monkey U-CyTech 5 plates RMB 7123
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