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BD (22)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Canine C-Reactive Protein [CRP] ELISA Kit 557826 BD 80 Tests RMB 9371
Human C3a ELISA Kit 550499 BD 1 Plate(s) RMB 6729
Human C4a ELISA Kit 550947 BD 1 Plate(s) RMB 6574
Human C5a ELISA Kit II 557965 BD 1 Plate(s) RMB 6716
Human IFN-γ ELISA Kit II 550612 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7457
Human IL-10 ELISA Kit II 550613 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 5976
Human IL-12 (p40) ELISA Kit II 551116 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 11911
Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA Kit 559258 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7654
Human IL-1β ELISA Kit II 557966 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7469
Human IL-2 ELISA Kit II 550611 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7457
Human IL-4 ELISA Kit II 550614 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 8264
Human IL-6 ELISA Kit II 550799 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7457
Human IL-8 ELISA Kit II 550999 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 6593
Human MCP-1 ELISA Kit 559017 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7484
Human TNF ELISA Kit II 550610 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7304
Mouse IFN-γ ELISA Kit II 558258 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7472
Mouse IL-6 ELISA Kit 550950 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7062
Mouse Immunoglobulin Isotyping ELISA Kit 550487 BD 80 Tests RMB 5426
Mouse TNF ELISA Kit 560478 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7054
Rat C-Reactive Protein [CRP] ELISA Kit 557825 BD 80 Tests RMB 9371
Rat Immunoglobulin Isotyping ELISA Kit 557081 BD 80 Tests RMB 9012
Rat TNF ELISA Kit 560479 BD 2 Plate(s) RMB 7075
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