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R&D Systems (22)
R&D Systems
You view the brand“R&D Systems”Under“Protein”There are no matches to your search request have 22 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Human alpha 1-Acid Glycoprotein DuoSet, 15 Plate (1 KT) DY3694 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8946
Human alpha 1B-Glycoprotein DuoSet, 5 Plate (1 KT) DY7757-05 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 4123
Human alpha-Fetoprotein DuoSet, 15 Plate (1 KT) DY1369 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8946
Human C-Reactive Protein/CRP DuoSet, 15 Plate (1 KT) DY1707 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8946
Human Proprotein Convertase 9/PCSK9 DuoSet, 15 Plate (1 KT) DY3888 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8946
Human Proprotein Convertase 9/PCSK9 Quantikine SixPak (1 PK) SPC900 R&D Systems 1 PK RMB 31037
Human Proteinase 3/PRTN3 DuoSet, 5 Plate (1 KT) DY6134-05 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 4123
Mouse alpha-Fetoprotein/AFP Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT) MAFP00 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6604
Mouse C-Reactive Protein/CRP DuoSet, 15 Plate (1 KT) DY1829 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8946
Mouse C-Reactive Protein/CRP Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT) MCRP00 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6604
Mouse Proprotein Convertase 9 DuoSet, 15 Plate (1 KT) DY3985 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8946
Mouse Proprotein Convertase 9/PCSK9 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT) MPC900 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6604
Porcine C-Reactive Protein/CRP DuoSet, 15 Plate (1 KT) DY2648 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8946
Proteome Profiler Human Phospho-Kinase Array Kit(磷酸化蛋白激酶) ARY004B human R&D Systems 4 sets of 2 membranes - 双点, antibodies against 43 different kinases and 2 related total proteins RMB 9635
Proteome Profiler Human Ubiquitin Array(泛素) ARY028 human R&D Systems 4 membranes-双点, 49 different antibodies to ubiquitin target proteins Inquiry
Proteome Purify 12 Human Serum Protein Immunodepletion Resin (20 TESTS) IDR012-020 R&D Systems 20 TESTS RMB 5724
Proteome Purify 12 Human Serum Protein Immunodepletion Resin (40 TESTS) IDR012-040 R&D Systems 40 TESTS RMB 10409
Proteome Purify 2 Human Serum Protein Immunodepletion Resin (20 TESTS) IDR002-020 R&D Systems 20 TESTS RMB 5724
Proteome Purify 2 Human Serum Protein Immunodepletion Resin (40 TESTS) IDR002-040 R&D Systems 40 TESTS RMB 10409
Proteome Purify 2 Mouse Serum Protein Immunodepletion Resin (20 TESTS) MIDR002-020 R&D Systems 20 TESTS RMB 5724
Proteome Purify 2 Mouse Serum Protein Immunodepletion Resin (40 TESTS) MIDR002-040 R&D Systems 40 TESTS RMB 10409
Rat C-Reactive Protein/CRP DuoSet, 15 Plate (1 KT) DY1744 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8946
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