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Life Diagnostics (176)
Life Diagnostics
You view the brand“Life Diagnostics”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 176 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Alpaca Haptoglobin ELISA (结合珠蛋白) HAPT-17 Life Diagnostics RMB 5855
Bovine cTnI (serum) ELISA CTNI-11-HS Life Diagnostics RMB 5547
Camel Haptoglobin ELISA (结合珠蛋白) HAPT-16 Life Diagnostics RMB 5855
Camel IgG ELISA IGG-16 Life Diagnostics RMB 4930
Camel SAA ELISA (血清淀粉样蛋白A) SAA-16 Life Diagnostics RMB 6163
Cat AGP ELISA (α1酸性糖蛋白) AGP-8 Life Diagnostics RMB 5238
Cat CRP ELISA CRP-8 Life Diagnostics RMB 5547
Cat Haptoglobin ELISA (结合珠蛋白) HAPT-8 Life Diagnostics RMB 5238
Cat IgG ELISA IGG-8 Life Diagnostics RMB 4930
Cat IgM ELISA IGM-8 Life Diagnostics RMB 4930
Cat SAA ELISA (血清淀粉样蛋白A) SAA-8 Life Diagnostics RMB 5238
Chicken AGP ELISA (α1酸性糖蛋白) AGP-5 Life Diagnostics RMB 4622
Chicken Anti-SRBC IgG(抗绵羊红细胞IgG) ELISA SRBCG-5 Life Diagnostics RMB 5547
Chicken Anti-SRBC IgM(抗绵羊红细胞IgM) ELISA SRBCM-5 Life Diagnostics RMB 5547
Chicken Ceruloplasmin ELISA(血浆铜蓝蛋白) CER-5 Life Diagnostics RMB 5238
Chicken IgA ELISA IGA-5 Life Diagnostics RMB 4622
Chicken IgG ELISA IGG-5 Life Diagnostics RMB 4930
Chicken IgM ELISA IGM-5 Life Diagnostics RMB 4930
Chicken SAA ELISA (血清淀粉样蛋白A) SAA-5 Life Diagnostics RMB 5238
Cow AGP ELISA (α1酸性糖蛋白) AGP-11 Life Diagnostics RMB 5238
Cow CRP ELISA CRP-11 Life Diagnostics RMB 6163
Cow Haptoglobin* ELISA (结合珠蛋白) HAPT-11 Life Diagnostics RMB 4622
Cow IgA ELISA IGA-11 Life Diagnostics RMB 4622
Cow IgG ELISA IGG-11 Life Diagnostics RMB 4622
Cow IgM ELISA IGM-11 Life Diagnostics RMB 4622
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