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Cellbio (35)
You view the brand“Cellbio”Under“Antibody”There are no matches to your search request have 35 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Goat Anti-4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) Polyclonal Antibody STA-034 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 6727
Goat Anti-Carbamyl-Lysine (CBL) Polyclonal Antibody STA-077 Cellbio 50 µg RMB 3935
Goat Anti-Human Albumin Polyclonal Antibody STA-130 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 4887
Goat Anti-Human Apolipoprotein AI Polyclonal Antibody STA-132 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 4887
Goat Anti-Human Apolipoprotein B-100/48 Polyclonal Antibody STA-134 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 4887
Goat Anti-Human Apolipoprotein E Polyclonal Antibody STA-138 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 4887
Goat Anti-Human Plasminogen Polyclonal Antibody STA-139 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 4887
Goat Anti-Malondialdehyde (MDA) Polyclonal Antibody STA-031 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Goat Anti-N-epsilon-CML Polyclonal Antibody STA-013 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Goat Anti-Nitrotyrosine Polyclonal Antibody STA-003 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti- -Actin Monoclonal Antibody AKR-002 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti- -Tubulin Monoclonal Antibody AKR-009 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-FLAG Tag Monoclonal Antibody AKR-004 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-GAPDH Monoclonal Antibody AKR-001 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-GFP Monoclonal Antibody AKR-020 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-GST Tag Monoclonal Antibody AKR-005 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-HA Tag Monoclonal Antibody AKR-006 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-His Tag Monoclonal Antibody AKR-003 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-Methylglyoxal Monoclonal Antibody STA-011 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-Myc Tag Monoclonal Antibody AKR-007 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-RFP Monoclonal Antibody AKR-021 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Mouse Anti-V5 Tag Monoclonal Antibody AKR-008 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 5013
Phospho Antibody Stripping Solution AKR-102 Cellbio 1 kit RMB 3744
Rabbit Anti-4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) Polyclonal Antibody STA-035 Cellbio 100 µg RMB 6727
Rabbit Anti-Carbamyl-Lysine (CBL) Polyclonal Antibody STA-078 Cellbio 50 µg RMB 3935
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