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AAT Bioquest (17)
AAT Bioquest
You view the brand“AAT Bioquest”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 17 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Amplite™ Fluorimetric Goat Anti-Mouse IgG-HRP Conjugate ELISA Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence* 11540 AAT Bioquest 1 kit RMB 2682
Amplite™ Fluorimetric Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP Conjugate ELISA Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence* 11541 AAT Bioquest 1 kit RMB 2682
Amplite™荧光法羊抗鼠IgG-HRP偶联物ELISA检测试剂盒 *红色荧光* 11540 AAT Bioquest 1 kit RMB 2621
Amplite™荧光法羊抗兔IgG-HRP偶联物ELISA检测试剂盒 *红色荧光* 11541 AAT Bioquest 1 kit RMB 2621
ReadiUse™ ABTS Substrate Solution *Optimized for ELISA Assays with HRP Conjugates* 11001 AAT Bioquest 1 L RMB 2407
ReadiUse™ TMB Substrate Solution *Optimized for ELISA Assays with HRP Conjugates* 11003 AAT Bioquest 1 L RMB 6808
ReadiUse™TMB底物溶液*适用于ELISA检测HRP偶联物* 10012 AAT Bioquest 100 ml RMB 1008
Screen Quest™ Colorimetric ELISA cAMP Assay Kit 36371 AAT Bioquest 10 plates RMB 26820
Screen Quest™ Colorimetric ELISA cAMP Assay Kit 36370 AAT Bioquest 1 plate RMB 4057
Screen Quest™ Fluorimetric ELISA cAMP Assay Kit 36374 AAT Bioquest 10 plates RMB 26820
Screen Quest™ Fluorimetric ELISA cAMP Assay Kit 36373 AAT Bioquest 1 plate RMB 4057
Screen Quest™cAMP检测试剂盒*比色ELISA法* 36371 AAT Bioquest 10 plates RMB 26208
Screen Quest™cAMP检测试剂盒*比色ELISA法* 36370 AAT Bioquest 1 plate RMB 3965
Screen Quest™cAMP检测试剂盒*荧光ELISA法* 36374 AAT Bioquest 10 plates RMB 26208
Screen Quest™cAMP检测试剂盒*荧光ELISA法* 36373 AAT Bioquest 1 plate RMB 3965
即用型ABTS溶液 *适合HRP标记的ELISA检测* 11001 AAT Bioquest 1 L RMB 2352
即用型TMB溶液 *适合HRP偶联的ELISA实验* 11003 AAT Bioquest 1 L RMB 6653
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