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BioTNT (16658)
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Mus musculus heat shock protein 2 (Hspb2), transcript variant 2, mRNA 引物对 PRIM307441 mouse BioTNT 500T RMB 198
PCR ARRAY of Human G Protein Coupled Receptors A2020A0065H/S human BioTNT 96孔/板 RMB 1930
PCR ARRAY of Human G Protein Coupled Receptors A2020A0065H human BioTNT 384孔/板 RMB 4622
PCR ARRAY of Human G Protein Coupled Receptors+ primer A2020A0065H/B human BioTNT 250板 RMB 5538
PCR ARRAY of Human Heat Shock Proteins & Chaperones A2020A0073H/S human BioTNT 96孔/板 RMB 1930
PCR ARRAY of Human Heat Shock Proteins & Chaperones A2020A0073H human BioTNT 384孔/板 RMB 4622
PCR ARRAY of Human Heat Shock Proteins & Chaperones+ primer A2020A0073H/B human BioTNT 250板 RMB 5538
PCR ARRAY of Human Lipoprotein Signaling & Cholesterol Metabolism A2020A0095H/S human BioTNT 96孔/板 RMB 1930
PCR ARRAY of Human Lipoprotein Signaling & Cholesterol Metabolism A2020A0095H human BioTNT 384孔/板 RMB 4622
PCR ARRAY of Human Lipoprotein Signaling & Cholesterol Metabolism+ primer A2020A0095H/B human BioTNT 250板 RMB 5538
PCR ARRAY of Human Protein Phosphatases A2020A0142H/S human BioTNT 96孔/板 RMB 1930
PCR ARRAY of Human Protein Phosphatases A2020A0142H human BioTNT 384孔/板 RMB 4622
PCR ARRAY of Human Protein Phosphatases+ primer A2020A0142H/B human BioTNT 250板 RMB 5538
PCR ARRAY of Human Unfolded Protein Response A2020A0170H/S human BioTNT 96孔/板 RMB 1930
PCR ARRAY of Human Unfolded Protein Response A2020A0170H human BioTNT 384孔/板 RMB 4622
PCR ARRAY of Human Unfolded Protein Response+ primer A2020A0170H/B human BioTNT 250板 RMB 5538
PCR ARRAY of Mouse G Protein Coupled Receptors A2020A0065M/S mouse BioTNT 96孔/板 RMB 1930
PCR ARRAY of Mouse G Protein Coupled Receptors A2020A0065M mouse BioTNT 384孔/板 RMB 4622
PCR ARRAY of Mouse G Protein Coupled Receptors+ primer A2020A0065M/B mouse BioTNT 250板 RMB 5538
PCR ARRAY of Mouse Heat Shock Proteins & Chaperones A2020A0073M/S mouse BioTNT 96孔/板 RMB 1930
PCR ARRAY of Mouse Heat Shock Proteins & Chaperones A2020A0073M mouse BioTNT 384孔/板 RMB 4622
PCR ARRAY of Mouse Heat Shock Proteins & Chaperones+ primer A2020A0073M/B mouse BioTNT 250板 RMB 5538
PCR ARRAY of Mouse Lipoprotein Signaling & Cholesterol Metabolism A2020A0095M/S mouse BioTNT 96孔/板 RMB 1930
PCR ARRAY of Mouse Lipoprotein Signaling & Cholesterol Metabolism A2020A0095M mouse BioTNT 384孔/板 RMB 4622
PCR ARRAY of Mouse Lipoprotein Signaling & Cholesterol Metabolism+ primer A2020A0095M/B mouse BioTNT 250板 RMB 5538
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Antibody、Protein、Synthetic peptide、ELISA、Bioarray、Real Time PCR------BioTNT