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Antigenix (43)
You view the brand“Antigenix”Under“Protein”There are no matches to your search request have 43 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Anti-Human Alpha Fetoprotein MC680620 Antigenix 0.5 RMB 4859
Anti-Human IGF Binding Protein 1 - biotin RHF504B Antigenix 50ug RMB 3240
Anti-Human IGF Binding Protein 1 (poly) RHF504 Antigenix 100ug RMB 3240
Anti-Human IGF Binding Protein 3 (poly) RHF295 Antigenix 100ug RMB 3240
Anti-Human IGF Binding Protein 3 (poly) Biotin RHF295B Antigenix 50ug RMB 3240
Anti-Human IGF Binding Protein 5 - biotin RHF776B Antigenix 50ug RMB 3240
Anti-Human IGF Binding Protein 5 (poly) RHF776 Antigenix 100ug RMB 3240
Anti-Human Protein Tyrosine Phosphotase MC680520 Antigenix 0.5mg RMB 5233
Anti-Mouse CD80 (B7-1 Protein) RM808020 Antigenix 0.12mg RMB 2741
Anti-Mouse CD86 (B7-2 Protein) RM808622 Antigenix 0.25mg RMB 2617
Anti-Mouse IL 18 Binding Protein (poly) RMF180BP Antigenix 100ug RMB 3240
Anti-Mouse IL 18 Binding Protein Biotin RMF180BPB Antigenix 50ug RMB 3240
Human Alpha Fetoprotein Capture Antibody MP700120C Antigenix 0.5mg RMB 6105
Human Alpha Fetoprotein HRP Tracer MP700120T Antigenix 0.2mL RMB 6105
Human Apoprotein A-I HC88901A Antigenix SizeA:20ug RMB 1246
Human Apoprotein A-I HC88901B Antigenix SizeB:100ug RMB 2492
Human Apoprotein E2 HC88902A Antigenix SizeA:100ug RMB 1246
Human Apoprotein E2 HC88902B Antigenix SizeB:500ug RMB 2492
Human Apoprotein E3 HC88886A Antigenix SizeA:100ug RMB 1246
Human Apoprotein E3 HC88886B Antigenix SizeB:500ug RMB 2492
Human Apoprotein E4 HC88889A Antigenix SizeA:100ug RMB 1246
Human Apoprotein E4 HC88889B Antigenix SizeB:500ug RMB 2492
Human CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Flow Cytometry Assay HX99521 Antigenix 96Tests RMB 2741
Human IGF Binding Protein 1 HC70048A Antigenix SizeA:5ug RMB 1246
Human IGF Binding Protein 1 HC70048B Antigenix SizeB:25ug RMB 2492
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