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IBL-America (671)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
11-Dehydro-TXB2 ELISA IB09626 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 4862
13(S)-HODE ELISA IB09603 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 5569
17α-Hydroxy-progesterone (17α-OHP) free in Saliva ELISA IB79302 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 2354
5 Alpha-Androstane-3 Alpha, 17 Beta diol Glucuronide ELISA IB59102 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 2200
5-HIAA ELISA IB89129 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 3615
ACE ELISA BE69001 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 5431
Activin A (Mouse) ELISA BE69094 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 4615
Activin A (Rat) ELISA BE69095 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 4615
Activin A ELISA BE69093 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 4615
Adenovirus IgA ELISA IB79201 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 1954
Adenovirus IgG ELISA IB79202 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 2138
Adenovirus IgM ELISA IB79203 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 2138
Adiponectin / Acrp 30 (Mouse) ELISA BE69096 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 5275
Adrenaline (Plasma / Urine) ELISA IB89551 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 6154
Adrenaline (Research) ELISA IB89539 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 7308
Adrenaline / Noradrenaline (2 Cat) (Plasma / Urine) ELISA IB89549 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 8462
Adrenaline / Noradrenaline (2 Cat) (Research) ELISA IB89154 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 10923
Adrenaline / Noradrenaline / Dopamine (3 Cat) (Plasma / Urine) ELISA IB89550 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 11692
Adrenaline / Noradrenaline / Dopamine (3 Cat) (Research) ELISA IB89156 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 14615
AFP ELISA IB19102 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 1938
Aldosterone ELISA IB79134 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 2077
Alpha-Amylase (Saliva) ELISA IB89535 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 4508
Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Complex-Interacting Multifunctional Protein I (AIMP1) ELISA IB29300 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 8446
Androstenedione ELISA IB79119 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 3062
ANG ELISA BE69002 IBL-America 96 Determinations RMB 5154
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