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R&D Systems (206)
R&D Systems
You view the brand“R&D Systems”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 206 items
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Human Phospho-Progesterone R/NR3C3 (S294) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB5955 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human Phospho-STAT1 (Y701) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB2894 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human Phospho-STAT2 (Y689) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB2890 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human Phospho-Tie-2 (Y992) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB2720 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human PlGF Quantikine HS ELISA Kit (1 KT) HSPG00 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8257
Human TNF-alpha QuantiGlo ELISA Kit (1 KT) QTA00B R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8257
Human TNF-alpha Quantikine HS ELISA (1 KT) HSTA00D R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8257
Human Total iNOS Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB9502 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human VEGF QuantiGlo ELISA Kit (1 KT) QVE00B R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 8257
Human/Mouse Phospho-p70 S6 Kinase (T389) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB8963 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse Phospho-PRAS40 (T246) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB6890 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse Phospho-STAT3 (Y705) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB4607 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse Phospho-STAT5a/b (Y694/Y699) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB4190 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse Phospho-STAT6 (Y641) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB3717 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse Total beta-Catenin Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB1329 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse Total COX-2 Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB4198 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse Total HIF-1 alpha Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB1935 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse Total HO-1/HMOX1 Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB3776 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Bad (S112) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB7517 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-c-Jun (S63) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB7499 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-CREB (S133) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB2510 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-FRS2 (Y436) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB5126 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Histone H2AX (S139) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB2288 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-IkB-alpha (S32/S36) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB4809 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-VASP (S157) Cell-Based ELISA (1 KT) KCB8019 R&D Systems 1 KT RMB 6328
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