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[" Mitochondrial translation release factor family"][“线粒体翻译释放因子家族”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2044 QHPGG2044 human(人) BioTNT 4个基因 RMB 264
["14-3-3 phospho-serine/phospho-threonine binding proteins"][“14-3-3 磷酸丝氨酸/磷酸苏氨酸结合蛋白”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:1053 QHPGG1053 human(人) BioTNT 7个基因 RMB 462
["1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferases"][“1-酰基甘油-3-磷酸O-酰基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:46 QHPGG46 human(人) BioTNT 11个基因 RMB 726
["2´-5´-oligoadenylate synthetase family"][“2´-5´-寡腺苷酸合成酶家族”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2093 QHPGG2093 human(人) BioTNT 4个基因 RMB 264
["3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase family"][“3-羟基酰基辅酶 A 脱水酶家族”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2025 QHPGG2025 human(人) BioTNT 4个基因 RMB 264
["5´-nucleotidases"][“5´-核苷酸酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:1042 QHPGG1042 human(人) BioTNT 7个基因 RMB 462
["5-hydroxytryptamine receptors, G protein-coupled"][“5-羟色胺受体,G 蛋白偶联”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:170 QHPGG170 human(人) BioTNT 12个基因 RMB 792
["5-hydroxytryptamine receptors, ionotropic "][“5-羟色胺受体,离子型”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:172 QHPGG172 human(人) BioTNT 5个基因 RMB 330
["6-phosphofructo-2-kinases/fructose-2,6-biphosphatases"][“6-磷酸果糖-2-激酶/果糖-2,6-双磷酸酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:1077 QHPGG1077 human(人) BioTNT 4个基因 RMB 264
["7BS 2´O-ribose DNA/RNA methyltransferases"][“7BS 2´O-核糖 DNA/RNA 甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2062 QHPGG2062 human(人) BioTNT 10个基因 RMB 660
["7BS C5-cytosine DNA/RNA methyltransferases"][“7BS C5-胞嘧啶 DNA/RNA 甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2060 QHPGG2060 human(人) BioTNT 5个基因 RMB 330
["7BS DNA/RNA methyltransferases"][“7BS DNA/RNA甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2059 QHPGG2059 human(人) BioTNT 25个基因 RMB 1650
["7BS N6-adenosine DNA/RNA methyltransferases"][“7BS N6-腺苷 DNA/RNA 甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2061 QHPGG2061 human(人) BioTNT 10个基因 RMB 660
["7BS orphan methyltransferases"][“7BS 孤儿甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2066 QHPGG2066 human(人) BioTNT 9个基因 RMB 594
["7BS protein arginine methyltranferases"][“7BS 蛋白精氨酸甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2057 QHPGG2057 human(人) BioTNT 11个基因 RMB 726
["7BS protein lysine methyltransferases"][“7BS 蛋白赖氨酸甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2056 QHPGG2056 human(人) BioTNT 16个基因 RMB 1056
["7BS protein methyltransferases"][“7BS 蛋白甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2058 QHPGG2058 human(人) BioTNT 10个基因 RMB 660
["7BS small molecule methyltransferases"][“7BS 小分子甲基转移酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:2063 QHPGG2063 human(人) BioTNT 17个基因 RMB 1122
["7D cadherins"][“7D 钙粘蛋白”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:1187 QHPGG1187 human(人) BioTNT 2个基因 RMB 132
["7SK snRNP complex"][“7SK snRNP 复合物”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:1676 QHPGG1676 human(人) BioTNT 2个基因 RMB 132
["7TM uncharacterized proteins"][“7TM 未知蛋白质”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:310 QHPGG310 human(人) BioTNT 13个基因 RMB 858
["AAA ATPases"][“AAA ATP 酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:413 QHPGG413 human(人) BioTNT 52个基因 RMB 3432
["Abhydrolase domain containing"][“含有水解酶结构域”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:4 QHPGG4 human(人) BioTNT 27个基因 RMB 1782
["Abl family tyrosine kinases"][“Abl 家族酪氨酸激酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:1463 QHPGG1463 human(人) BioTNT 2个基因 RMB 132
["Acid phosphatases"][“酸性磷酸酶”]real time PCR 引物套装panel/gene_group_id:1071 QHPGG1071 human(人) BioTNT 8个基因 RMB 528
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Antibody、Protein、Synthetic peptide、ELISA、Bioarray、Real Time PCR------BioTNT