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Selected Product:
Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶 H8030 国产品牌 100mg RMB 148
Aprotinin 蛋白酶抑制剂(抑肽酶) A8260 国产品牌 2mg RMB 127
菠萝蛋白酶 B8290 国产品牌 50G RMB 254
酵母裂解酶(R-Zymolyase (1,000 Units lyophilized,includes 500ul of storage buffer)) E1006(冻干粉) zymo Research 1000 units RMB 865
酵母裂解酶(Zymolyase (1,000 Units lyophilized,includes 500ul of storage buffer)) E1005(冻干粉) zymo Research 2000 units RMB 1170
酵母裂解酶(Zymolyase (1,000 Units lyophilized,includes 500ul of storage buffer)) E1004(冻干粉) zymo Research 1000 units RMB 687
酵母裂解酶(Zymolyase (1,000 Units lyophilized,includes 500ul of storage buffer)) E1002(liquid) zymo Research 5 units perμl RMB 1276
酵母裂解酶(Zymolyase (1,000 Units lyophilized,includes 500ul of storage buffer)) E1001(liquid) zymo Research 5 units perμl RMB 661
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