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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Water, Cell Culture Grade 水,细胞培养级别 03-055-1A BI 500ml RMB 72
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS), PH=7.4, without Calcium and Magnesium 02-024-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
Dulbecco´s Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), without Calcium and Magnesium 02-023-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
Hanks´ Balanced Salt Solution 02-015-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
Dulbecco´s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM): Nutrient Mixture F-12 (Ham´s) (1:1) with L-Glutamine, with Hepes 15mM 01-172-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
RPMI Medium 1640, with L-Glutamine 01-100-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
Medium M-199 (M199E), Earle´s Salts Base, with Glutamine 01-080-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
McCoy´s 5A Medium (Modified), with L-Glutamine 01-075-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
Dulbecco´s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), with 4.5g/l D-Glucose (High Glucose), without Sodium Pyruvate, with L-Glutamine 01-052-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
Dulbecco´s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), with 4.5g/L D-Glucose (High Glucose), withSodium Pyruvate, with L-Glutamine 06-1055-57-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
Dulbecco´s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), with 1g/l D-Glucose (Low Glucose), with Sodium Pyruvate 110mg/l, without L-Glutamine 01-051-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
Minimum Essential Medium-Alpha (MEM-A), with 1g/l D-Glucose (Low Glucose), with L-Glutamine, without Ribonucleosides and Deoxyribonucleosides 01-042-1ACS BI 500ml RMB 72
FILL ACC,CSTACK,33mm CAP,MPC M 加样盖 3334 corning 康宁 RMB 2737
CellSTACK,FILLING ACCESSORY,M 加样盖 3333 corning 康宁 RMB 3049
CellSTACK,STACKING DEVICE,ORAN 叠放设备 3331 corning 康宁 RMB 2959
CellSTACK(R) Chamber, CellSTACK培养容器 CellBIND表面 1层 3330 corning 康宁 RMB 10296
FILL AC,CSTACK,33CAP,MPC FEMAL 加样盖 3329 corning 康宁 RMB 3130
FILL AC,CELSTK,33CAP,MPC FEMAL 加样盖 3328 corning 康宁 RMB 3130
CAP,CellSTACK UNIVERSAL OVER-C 通用盖(两个顶部透气与一个顶部密封) 3324 corning 康宁 RMB 7186
CellSTACK培养容器,CellBIND表面,40层,1个/包,2包/箱 3321 corning 康宁 RMB 9948
CellSTACK(R) Chamber CellSTACK培养容器 CellBIND表面 10层 3320 corning 康宁 RMB 2144
CellSTACK培养容器,5层,1个/包,2包/箱 3319 corning 康宁 RMB 1349
CellSTACK培养容器,5层,1个/包,8包/箱 3313 corning 康宁 RMB 1330
CellSTACK培养容器,CellBIND表面,10层,1个/包,2包/箱 3312 corning 康宁 RMB 5174
CellSTACK培养容器,CellBIND表面,5层,1个/包,2包/箱 3311 corning 康宁 RMB 3404
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