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Raybiotech (130270)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
(20R)-Protopanaxdiol 332-11558-1 Raybiotech 1 mg RMB 1804
(20R)-Protopanaxdiol 332-11558-2 Raybiotech 50 mg RMB 10692
(20S)-Protopanaxatriol 332-10863-4 Raybiotech 50 mg RMB 3212
(20S)-Protopanaxatriol 332-10863-1 Raybiotech 5 mg RMB 1089
(20S)-Protopanaxatriol 332-10863-5 Raybiotech 100 mg RMB 4818
(20S)-Protopanaxatriol 332-10863-3 Raybiotech 25 mg RMB 2299
(20S)-Protopanaxatriol 332-10863-2 Raybiotech 10 mg RMB 1353
(20S)-Protopanaxatriol 332-10863-6 Raybiotech 200 mg RMB 6523
(25RS)-Ruscogenin 332-12924-1 Raybiotech 5 mg RMB 1881
(2-Chlorophenyl)phenyl-methanone 332-10271-1 Raybiotech 10 mg RMB 1056
(2-Chlorophenyl)phenyl-methanone 332-10271-2 Raybiotech 25 mg RMB 1243
(2-Chlorophenyl)phenyl-methanone 332-10271-3 Raybiotech 50 mg RMB 1661
(2-Chlorophenyl)phenyl-methanone 332-10271-4 Raybiotech 100 mg RMB 2013
(2-Chloropyridin-4-yl)methanamine hydrochloride 332-13422-1 Raybiotech 100 mg RMB 1287
(2R,3S)-3-Phenylisoserine hydrochloride 332-12875-1 Raybiotech 10 mg RMB 1056
(2R,3S)-3-Phenylisoserine hydrochloride 332-12875-4 Raybiotech 100 mg RMB 2134
(2R,3S)-3-Phenylisoserine hydrochloride 332-12875-3 Raybiotech 50 mg RMB 1606
(2R,3S)-3-Phenylisoserine hydrochloride 332-12875-2 Raybiotech 25 mg RMB 1254
(4S)-4-Hydroxy-L-isoleucine 332-10936-1 Raybiotech 1 mg RMB 990
(E)-2-Decenoic acid 331-10390-1 Raybiotech 10mM (in 1mL DMSO) RMB 946
(E)-2-Decenoic acid 331-10390-2 Raybiotech 25mg RMB 957
(E)-Elafibranor 332-11068-3 Raybiotech 5 mg RMB 1342
(E)-Elafibranor 332-11068-2 Raybiotech 2 mg RMB 1067
(E)-Elafibranor 332-11068-4 Raybiotech 10 mg RMB 1837
(E)-Elafibranor 332-11068-1 Raybiotech 1 mg RMB 990
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