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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
AKT Pathway Phospho Antibody Array PAB216 Human: 100%; Mouse: 83%; Rat: 69% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
AKT/PKB Phospho Antibody Array PAM174 Human: 100%; Mouse: 90%; Rat: 78% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
AMPK Signaling Phospho Antibody Array PAP247 Human: 100%; Mouse: 89%; Rat: 77% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Apoptosis Antibody Array SCB200 Human Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Apoptosis Phospho Antibody Array PAC155 Human: 100%; Mouse: 89%; Rat: 65% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Cancer Biomarker Antibody Array ACC058 Human Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Cancer Signaling Phospho Antibody Array PCC238 Human: 100%; Mouse: 88%; Rat: 68% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Cancer/Apoptosis Pathway Phospho Antibody Array PCS248 Human: 100%; Mouse: 79%; Rat: 68% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Cardiovascular Biomarker Chip Kit (Human) (Fluorescence) - 2 Slide Kit  CVC-KF-002 phoenix pep  1 kit  RMB 8737
Cardiovascular Biomarker Chip Kit (Rat, Mouse) (Fluorescence) - 2 Slides  CVC-KF-003 phoenix pep  1 Kit  RMB 9475
Cardiovascular Biomarker Chip kit Slides (Human) - 2 Slides CVC-S-002 phoenix pep 1 Set RMB 5134
Cardiovascular Biomarker Chip kit Slides (Rat, Mouse) - 2 Slides  CVC-S-003 phoenix pep  1 Set  RMB 9475
Cell Cycle Antibody Array SCK100 Human Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Cell Cycle Control Phospho Antibody Array PCC076 Human: 100%; Mouse: 85%; Rat: 57% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Cell Cycle Phospho Antibody Array PCT173 Human: 100%; Mouse: 65%; Rat: 53% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Chromatin/Transcription Phospho Antibody Array PCR174 Human: 100%; Mouse: 83%; Rat: 64% Full Moon 2 Samples/pk Inquiry
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVRG-G1-16 Raybiotech 16样本 RMB 2619
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVRG-G1-32 Raybiotech 32样本 RMB 4185
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVMG-G1-16 Raybiotech 16样本 RMB 2619
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVMG-G1-32 Raybiotech 32样本 RMB 4185
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVHM-G1-16 Raybiotech 16样本 RMB 4356
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVHM-G1-32 Raybiotech 32样本 RMB 6970
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVHG-G1-16 Raybiotech 16样本 RMB 4356
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVHG-G1-32 Raybiotech 32样本 RMB 6970
Coronavirus Protein Array G1 PAH-CVHA-G1-16 Raybiotech 16样本 RMB 4356
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