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enzolifes (51)
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ACES™ YebF Protein Export Kit AES-0148-3 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
Auto-Activated Protein Kinase (bovine) Assay Kit GLO-111-01 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
Auto-Activated Protein Kinase (human) Western Blot Detection Kit GLO-151-01 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
CHO Host Cell Protein ELISA Kit ENZ-KIT128-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 9405
C-terminal Protein Labeling Kit JBS-FP-301-COU enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
E. coli Host Cell Protein ELISA Kit ENZ-KIT127-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 9405
Heavy Atom Derivative Kit for ATP-binding Proteins JBS-PK-101 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
Heavy Atom Derivative Kit for GTP-binding Proteins JBS-PK-102 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
Hydrophobic Protein Analysis Kit MGT-M0794-KI01 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
Kit d' initiation a  la cristallisation des proteines, version francaise JBS-CS-401FR enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
MarkerGene™ BCA Protein Assay Kit MGT-M2533-KI01 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
MarkerGene™ Biotin-X Antibody/Protein Labeling Kit MGT-M1138-KI01 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
MarkerGene™ TAMRA Antibody/Protein/Cell Labeling Kit MGT-M0972-KI01 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
MarkerGene™ Total Protein Determination Kit MGT-M1585-KI01 enzolifes 1x1 Kit Inquiry
Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) Multipack-1 BML-AK013-0001 enzolifes 1*1Kit RMB 10203
Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) Multipack-2 BML-AK014-0001 enzolifes 1*1Kit RMB 9890
Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) colorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK404-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7282
Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) fluorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK405-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7424
Matrix Metalloproteinase-10 (MMP-10) fluorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK419-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7367
Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 (MMP-12) colorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK402-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7424
Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 (MMP-12) fluorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK403-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7424
Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) colorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK412-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7424
Matrix Metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) fluorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK413-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7367
Matrix Metalloproteinase-14 (MMP-14) colorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK416-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7424
Matrix Metalloproteinase-14 (MMP-14) fluorimetricdrug discovery kit BML-AK417-0001 enzolifes 1*96wells RMB 7424
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