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oxfordbiomed (24)
You view the brand“oxfordbiomed”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 24 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Anti human antiplasmin for ELISA and WB, Monoclonal Antibody VA11 oxfordbiomed 1.0 mg RMB 6609
Anti Human Vitronectin for ELISA & WB. Monoclonal GP28 oxfordbiomed 1.0 mg RMB 6482
Anti Human Vitronectin for WB & ELISA, Monoclonal GP29 oxfordbiomed 1.0 mg RMB 6482
Anti Mouse PAI-1 (ELISA capture) Monoclonal Antibody PI67 oxfordbiomed 1.0 mg RMB 9660
Anti-Human tPA for ELISA and WB PA64 oxfordbiomed 1.0 mg RMB 6291
Human Factor XI Total Antigen ELISA assay CF46 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6927
Human Plasminogen Total Antigen ELISA Assay PI97 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 4639
Human Prorenin ELISA Kit RN35 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6736
Human Prorenin ELISA Kit for Non Plasma Samples RN36 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6736
Human tPA Activity ELISA Kit PA90 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6482
Human tPA total antigen ELISA Kit PA91 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6482
Human uPA total antigen ELISA assay UP40 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6800
Human vitronectin total antigen ELISA assay GP48 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6101
Mouse Factor X Total Antigen ELISA assay CF41 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 7118
Mouse Fibrinogen ELISA assay FB02 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 5402
Mouse plasminogen total antigen ELISA assay PI96 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 5656
Mouse tPA activity ELISA Kit PA92 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6927
Mouse vitronectin total antigen ELISA assay GP49 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6736
Rat Fibrinogen ELISA assay FB07 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 5020
Rat Prorenin/Renin Total Antigen ELISA Kit RN46 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6863
Rat tPA EIA Active ELISA kit PA95 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6927
Rat tPA total antigen ELISA Kit PA94 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6927
Rat uPA activity ELISA assay UP41 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6990
Rat uPA total antigen ELISA assay UP42 oxfordbiomed Kit RMB 6990
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