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quidel (17)
You view the brand“quidel”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 17 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Anti Human PTH ELISA*† 60-4000 quidel 1 kit RMB 6130
Canine PTH ELISA* 60-3800 quidel 1 kit RMB 7939
High Sensitive Human PTH 1-34 ELISA* 60-3900 quidel 1 kit RMB 8518
Human Bioactive PTH 1-84 ELISA* 60-3000 quidel 1 kit RMB 7939
Human FGF-23 (Intact) ELISA* 60-6600 quidel 1 kit RMB 10142
Human FGF-23 C-Term ELISA* 60-6100 quidel 1 kit RMB 8850
Human Leptin ELISA* TE1016 quidel 1 kit RMB 7964
Human PTH ELISA* 60-3100 quidel 1 kit RMB 7939
Mouse C3a ELISA–For Research Use Only TE1038 quidel 1 kit RMB 8739
Mouse Osteocalcin ELISA* 60-1305 quidel 1 kit RMB 7939
Mouse PTH 1-84 ELISA* 60-2305 quidel 1 kit RMB 8850
Mouse/Rat FGF-23 (Intact) ELISA* 60-6800 quidel 1 kit RMB 10524
Mouse/Rat FGF-23 C-Term ELISA* 60-6300 quidel 1 kit RMB 10524
Rat Bioactive PTH ELISA* 60-2700 quidel 1 kit RMB 7939
Rat Osteocalcin ELISA* 60-1505 quidel 1 kit RMB 7939
Rat PTH ELISA* 60-2500 quidel 1 kit RMB 7939
Total Human Adiponectin ELISA* TE1014 quidel 1 kit RMB 7964
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