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Abbiotec (70)
You view the brand“Abbiotec”Under“Protein”There are no matches to your search request have 70 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
14-3-3 Protein Antibody 253107 Abbiotec 0.1 ml RMB 4459
14-3-3 Protein Antibody 250447 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3402
Activated Protein C Antibody 251142 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4053
Activated Protein C Antibody 250212 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 7701
Adducin protein Antibody 251484 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Alpha-Fetoprotein (10B8) Antibody 250329 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 10133
Alpha-Fetoprotein (1B10) Antibody 250330 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 10133
Alpha-Fetoprotein (7C6) Antibody 250333 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 10133
Alpha-fetoprotein Antibody 252138 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4053
Alpha-Fetoprotein Antibody 251708 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Antileukoproteinase Antibody 252024 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3255
Apolipoprotein A-1 (12C8) Antibody 250318 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 10133
Apolipoprotein A-1 Antibody 251339 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Apolipoprotein B (7B8) Antibody 250319 Abbiotec 0.2 mg RMB 10133
Avian Influenza Nonstructural Protein 1 Antibody 253657 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Avian Influenza Nonstructural Protein 2 Antibody 253658 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Beta-Amyloid Protein Antibody 252052 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
Bone Gla Protein Antibody 250483 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3402
CS Protein (P. yoelii) Antibody 251338 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3586
E1 Glycoprotein Rubella virus Antibody 250674 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 4053
Fe65 Protein Antibody 250647 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3402
Fibronectin-Binding Protein Peptide 350177 Abbiotec 1 mg RMB 2702
G Protein beta-1 Antibody 250656 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3402
Glasses Snake Poison Protein Antibody 250506 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3402
Glycoprotein-340 (1G4) Antibody 250390 Abbiotec 0.1 mg RMB 3918
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