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BioVision (159)
You view the brand“BioVision”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 159 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Estradiol (rat) ELISA Kit K3831-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5788
Fas Ligand (human) ELISA Kit K4765-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
FasL (mouse) ELISA Kit K3331-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8360
FasL (rat) ELISA Kit K3330-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8009
Ferritin (human) ELISA Kit K7420-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 7892
Fibronectin (human) ELISA Kit K3631-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5788
Fibronectin (mouse) ELISA Kit K3632-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5788
Fibronectin (rat) ELISA Kit K3633-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 5788
Follicle Stimulating Hormone [FSH] (human) ELISA Kit K7425-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6138
FTO (human intracellular) ELISA Kit K4921-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9763
FTO (mouse intracellular) ELISA Kit K4922-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9763
GDF-15 (human) ELISA Kit K4569-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8827
GM-CSF (human) ELISA Kit K4772-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
Granzyme B (human) ELISA Kit K4279-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8126
Growth Hormone (human) ELISA Kit K7412-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 7892
HGF (human) ELISA Kit K4781-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
HGF (human) ELISA Kit (For Lysates) K4782-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
Human βIG-H3 ELISA Kit K926-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 7308
ICAM-1 (human) ELISA Kit K7161-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 7425
ICAM-1 (mouse) ELISA Kit K7162-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9295
ICAM-1 (rat) ELISA Kit K7163-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8360
IFN-gamma (mouse) ELISA Kit K4117-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IFN-γ (human) ELISA Kit K4773-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IFN-γ (human) ELISA Kit (For Lysates) K4774-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IGF-1 (human) ELISA Kit K4775-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
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