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BioVision (159)
You view the brand“BioVision”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 159 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
IGF-1 sR (human) ELISA Kit K4776-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-15 (human) ELISA Kit K4739-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9035
IL-17 (human) ELISA Kit K4740-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-17F (human) ELISA Kit K4741-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-1α (human) ELISA Kit K4791-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-1α (human) ELISA Kit (for lysates) K4792-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-1α (mouse) ELISA Kit K4793-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-1α (rat) ELISA Kit K4797-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-1β (human) ELISA Kit K4794-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-1β (mouse) ELISA Kit K4795-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-1β (rat) ELISA Kit K4796-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-2 (human) ELISA Kit K4798-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-2 (mouse) ELISA Kit K4799-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-2 (rat) ELISA Kit K4800-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
IL-6 (human) ELISA Kit K4143-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6489
IL-6 (mouse) ELISA Kit K4144-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 7425
IL-6 (rat) ELISA Kit K4145-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8126
Insulin (human) ELISA Kit K4742-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
Irisin Competitive ELISA Kit K4761-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9062
Leptin (human) ELISA Kit K4777-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
LIF (human) ELISA Kit K4778-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
Lipocalin-2/NGAL (mouse) ELISA Kit K7568-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8360
Luteinizing Hormone [LH] (human) ELISA Kit K7426-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 6138
MIF (human) ELISA Kit K4786-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 9412
MIP-1 alpha (human) ELISA Kit K4784-100 BioVision 100 assays RMB 8535
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