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millipore (152)
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
GLP-1 (Active) ELISA Kit / 10 Plates (BU EGLP-35BK millipore EA RMB 42624
GLP-1 Total ELISA Kit EZGLP1T-36K millipore EA RMB 5022
GLP-1 Total ELISA Kit (BULK PK) CPACKS EZGLP1T-36BK millipore EA RMB 34920
GLP-2 ELISA Kit EZGLP2-37K millipore EA RMB 5022
GLP-2 ELISA Kit (BULK PK) 10 plates EZGLP2-37BK millipore EA RMB 33948
Glucagon Chemilum ELISA BULK-10 kits EZGLU-30BK millipore EA RMB 34920
Glucagon ELISA Kit - Chemiluminescent EZGLU-30K millipore EA RMB 5022
Glucagon-Like Pept-1 Active ELISA Kit EGLP-35K millipore EA RMB 5022
High Sens GLP-1 Active ELISA - CL EZGLPHS-35K millipore EA RMB 5022
HighSens GLP-1Active Chemilum ELISA Bulk EZGLPHS-35BK millipore EA RMB 34920
Hsp27 ELISA Kit QIA119-1KITCN millipore EA RMB 7047
Hu Ghrelin (Tot) ELISA (BULKPKG) C-Packs EZGRT-89BK millipore EA RMB 39042
Hu Ghrelin Act (BULKPKG) ELISA COLDPKS EZGRA-88BK millipore EA RMB 39042
Hum Amylin ELISA Kit (BLKPKG) C-PACKS EZHA-52BK millipore EA RMB 34920
Hum Ins ELISA Kit/10 PLATES (BULK PAC) EZHI-14BK millipore EA RMB 29286
Hum Total Proinsulin ELISA Kit (BLKPAK) EZHPI-15BK millipore EA RMB 36981
Human Adiponectin ELISA Kit EZHADP-61K millipore EA RMB 6165
Human Adiponectin ELISA Kit (BULK PACK) EZHADP-61BK millipore EA RMB 43164
Human Amylin (TOTAL) ELISA Kit-COLD EZHAT-51K millipore EA RMB 5022
Human Amylin ELISA Kit - COLD PACKS EZHA-52K millipore EA RMB 5022
Human Amyloid β 40 Brain ELISA EZBRAIN40 millipore EA RMB 7002
Human Amyloid β 40 High Sensitive ELISA EZHS40 millipore EA RMB 6678
Human Amyloid β 42 Brain ELISA EZBRAIN42 millipore EA RMB 7002
Human Amyloid β 42 High Sensitive ELISA EZHS42 millipore EA RMB 6678
Human Apo A IV ELISA /10PLATES BULK PK EZHAP0A4-73BK millipore EA RMB 46647
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