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millipore (152)
You view the brand“millipore”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 152 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Human Apo A IV ELISA Kit EZHAP0A4-73K millipore EA RMB 5598
Human Chemerin ELISA Kit EZHCMRN-57K millipore EA RMB 5598
Human C-Peptide ELISA Kit EZHCP-20K millipore EA RMB 4725
Human C-Peptide ELISA Kit (BULK PKG) EZHCP-20BK millipore EA RMB 32859
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 ELISA EZHFGF21-19K millipore EA RMB 7416
Human Ghrelin (Total) ELISA COLD PACKS EZGRT-89K millipore EA RMB 5598
Human Ghrelin Active ELISA Kit COLDPKS EZGRA-88K millipore EA RMB 5598
Human GIP ELISA Kit EZHGIP-54K millipore EA RMB 5301
Human HMW Adip ELISA Kit (BLKPKG) EZHMWA-64BK millipore EA RMB 53901
Human HMW Adiponectin ELISA Kit EZHMWA-64K millipore EA RMB 7740
Human HMW Adiponectin ELISA Microti EP64 millipore EA RMB 3402
Human IFN gamma ELISA KIT EZHIFNG millipore EA RMB 4671
Human IL-10 ELISA KIT EZHIL10 millipore EA RMB 4671
Human IL-12p70 ELISA Kit EZHIL12 millipore EA RMB 4509
Human IL-13 ELISA KIT EZHIL13 millipore EA RMB 4671
Human IL-15 ELISA Kit EZHIL15 millipore EA RMB 4509
Human IL-1B ELISA Kit EZHIL1B millipore EA RMB 4509
Human IL-2 ELISA KIT EZHIL2 millipore EA RMB 4671
Human IL-4 ELISA KIT EZHIL4 millipore EA RMB 4671
Human IL-6 ELISA KIT EZHIL6 millipore EA RMB 4671
Human IL-8 (CXCL8)ELISA KIT EZHIL8 millipore EA RMB 4671
Human Insulin ELISA Kit EZHI-14K millipore EA RMB 5022
Human Insulin ELISA Kit Animal SerumFree EZHIASF-14K millipore EA RMB 5022
Human Leptin ELISA kit EZHL-80SK millipore EA RMB 5022
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