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millipore (152)
You view the brand“millipore”Under“ELISA”There are no matches to your search request have 152 items
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Comparison name Catalog # Specificity/Activity Type Brand Size Price
Rat Adiponectin ELISA Kit EZRADP-62K millipore EA RMB 6165
Rat FGF-23 ELISA Kit EZRFGF23-42K millipore EA RMB 7002
Rat FGF-23 ELISA Kit (BULK PACK) EZRFGF23-42BK millipore EA RMB 47502
Rat IL-17A ELISA Kit EZRIL17A millipore EA RMB 5139
Rat IL-6 ELISA Kit EZRIL6 millipore EA RMB 5139
Rat Leptin ELISA Kit EZRL-83K millipore EA RMB 5022
Rat Leptin ELISA Kit (BULK PACKAGING) EZRL-83BK millipore EA RMB 34920
Rat TNFa ELISA Kit EZRTNFA millipore EA RMB 4005
Rat/Mouse C-Peptide 2 ELISA EZRMCP2-21K millipore EA RMB 6165
Rat/Mouse FGF-21 ELISA Kit (BULK PK) EZRMFGF21-26BK millipore EA RMB 52020
Rat/Mouse FibroblastGrowthFactor21 ELISA EZRMFGF21-26K millipore EA RMB 7416
Rat/Mouse Ghrelin Active ELISA COLD pks EZRGRA-90K millipore EA RMB 5598
Rat/Mouse Ghrelin totalELISAKits ColdPks EZRGRT-91K millipore EA RMB 5598
Rat/Mouse GIP ELISA Kit EZRMGIP-55K millipore EA RMB 5301
Rat/Mouse GIP ELISA Kit (BULK PACKAGE) EZRMGIP-55BK millipore EA RMB 36981
Rat/Mouse GroHormone ELISA Kit (BULK) EZRMGH-45BK millipore EA RMB 47610
Rat/Mouse Growth Hormone ELISA Kit EZRMGH-45K millipore EA RMB 6840
Rat/Mouse Insulin ELISA Bulk - 10 Kits EZRMI-13BK millipore EA RMB 32859
Rat/Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit EZRMI-13K millipore EA RMB 4725
Rat/Mouse Neuropeptide Y (NPY) ELISA Kit EZRMNPY-27K millipore EA RMB 6165
Soluble t-PA ELISA Kit QIA99-1KITCN millipore EA RMB 7560
STAR phospho-IkB (Ser32) ELISA kit 17-486 millipore EA RMB 5868
TGF-alpha ELISA Kit QIA61-1EACN millipore EA RMB 7047
TIMP-1 ELISA Kit QIA54-1EACN millipore EA RMB 7398
TIMP-2 ELISA Kit QIA40-1EACN millipore EA RMB 7398
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